Tuesday, November 30, 2010

#10 Final Impressions

Colloquium was a very fun and interesting class. I learned things about Southwest Florida I never knew before, and things about world issues I never knew before. The field trips were the best part of the class. My favorite field trip was walking through the swamp behind the school. I never walked through the swamp before, and it's an experience I will always rememeber.

Some of the Colloquium reader essays were really dull and boring. Maybe getting some new reading material would make reading for the class more interesting and not so confusing and boring. For example, Dewey and Louv's writings were so repetitative and hard to understand. I really didn't like reading their essays.

I liked all the assignments. I think it was just enough of a workload, and didn't get in the way with my other classes.

The sustainablity meal is definitely a keeper for the course, as well as, group discussions about the readings and all the field trips. Maybe, next time when going to Matanzas Pass Preserve, letting the students go to the beach side also and learn more about the features of the beach and not only the bay.

#9 Sense of Place interview

Growing up in a different generation than myself, my grandma Hengstebeck, my mother's mother, had quite an interesting take on sustainability. My grandma told me about growing up in Texas during the depression. Her father lost his business and they moved to a farm. She recalls growing and eating their own food from the farm, and never being wasteful with anything. She said you might call them the "Never Throw Away Generation."Nowadays, my grandma is a firm believer in recycling and other alternative methods that don't use up our natural resources. When I told her about my colloquium class Im' taking at school she said she was impressed and believed it would be a good idea for all schools to have a class like that. It was very interesting talking to my grandma because she really did live in another time.